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| Home | News | Photo | Autumn harvest 2017 in Belarus: Colorful photos from Belarusian fields

Vegetable warehouses of OAO Kombinat Vostok, Gomel District

Vegetable warehouses of OAO Kombinat Vostok, Gomel District
26 Sep 2017

Vitamins for winter

OAO Kombinat Vostok, Gomel District will store 38,000 tonnes of fresh vegetables for the coming winter, which is enough to satisfy 96% of the needs of Belarus’ second biggest city Gomel. Apart from that, up to 700 tonnes of vegetables will be supplied to the retail network of Gomel as pickled products.

Sugar beet, the “sweet” harvest of Belarus
Onion harvesting
Vegetable warehouses of OAO Kombinat Vostok, Gomel District
Profitable business: Growing squash and pumpkins
Agro-expedition: Best shots of fruitful autumn
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