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Profitable business: Growing squash and pumpkins

Profitable business: Growing squash and pumpkins
21 Sep 2017

Lyudmila Akhremsheva, a resident of the village of Smolitsa, Mogilev Oblast, has been growing squash for the past 10 years. Today she cultivates over 1 hectare of land. This is not an easy business because it requires a lot of manual labor. In 2017 the Akhremshev family delivered about 80 tonnes of squash and is going to deliver over 20 tonnes of pumpkins to the Bykhov Vegetable Canning Factory.

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Vegetable warehouses of OAO Kombinat Vostok, Gomel District
Profitable business: Growing squash and pumpkins
Agro-expedition: Best shots of fruitful autumn
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