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| Home | News | Photo | Year of Science in Belarus: First surgeries with the use of 3D printed heart copies

X-ray technician Anna Model

X-ray technician Anna Model
15 Mar 2017

The first heart model for 3D printing was prepared by X-ray technician Anna Model. It is a very demanding process which involves computer tomography and contrast enhancement. The process includes drawing the smallest details of the future heart copy. The first heart model took nearly a week to be completed.

Young scientists, students of Belarusian State Medical University, Artyom Nevyglas and Stanislav Lepeshko helped improve the process and reduce the time needed to make a 3D heart model down to five hours. 

X-ray technician Anna Model
Computer tomography room
Computer tomography room
Head of the 3D division at Goetz Trade Company Yevgeny Lyasota
Head of the 3D division at Goetz Trade Company Yevgeny Lyasota
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