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| Home | News | Photo | TIBO 2018: IT Country Belarus, 5G communication, Google Maps analog, Smart Home technology and many more website presents its stand at TIBO 2018 website presents its stand at TIBO 2018
15 May 2018

Dmitry Parfiyanovich and Yulia Resnyanskaya at stand

“Plans are in place to launch website and the unified dispatching service in all the cities with the population of over 100,000. In summer the unified dispatching service and will be come on stream in Grodno Oblast and Brest Oblast. Agreements have been concluded with almost every district of Grodno Oblast. As for Brest Oblast, the oblast center will join the system first and then the rest of the region will follow suit,” said head of the marketing department of the IT Center of the Minsk City Hall Dmitry Parfiyanovich.

One of the educational video game developers Valeria Gavrilenko
Sergei Nikitin, the finalist of the 100 Ideas for Belarus competition
Ilya Markevich, the winner of the 100 Ideas for Belarus contest in the Future Technologies nomination website presents its stand at TIBO 2018
State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus features information protection products at TIBO 2018
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