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| Home | News | Photo | Grodno marks 890th anniversary: international bike ride, cheese festival and ‘power’ record for the native town

Native Land of Big Cheese festival in Grodno

Native Land of Big Cheese festival in Grodno
15 Sep 2018

Grodno Oblast Governor Vladimir Kravtsov, Chairman of the Grodno Oblast Council of Deputies Igor Zhuk, Director General of the Molochny Mir dairy company Marina Anikeyeva, cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky

Anniversary gifts: binoculars for city viewing and a photo zone in Grodno
Anniversary gifts: binoculars for city viewing and a photo zone in Grodno
Friendly ‘residents’: ‘gentlemen’ trash cans say thanks for clean streets
Grodno marks 890th anniversary: international bike ride, cheese festival and ‘power’ record for the native town
Three-meter globe featuring Grodno’s twin towns is installed in the city center
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