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| Галоўная | Навіны | Фота | ХII Міжнародны маладзёжны тэатральны форум "М@rt.кантакт"

ХII Міжнародны маладзёжны тэатральны форум "М@rt.кантакт"

ХII Міжнародны маладзёжны тэатральны форум
27 Сак 2017

Once again mesmerizing theater spring has come to the Belarusian city of Mogilev! The 12th international forum M@art.kontakt has gathered 20 theaters from ten countries, including Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and – for the first time ever – Austria and the USA. No professional jury is available as always but the tradition of experimental performances lives on: this year’s program featured 22 performances of various genres and forms – dance performance, tragic confession, black comedy, farce and tragifarce, journey into foolery, hallucination…

The fact that modern Belarusian drama art was widely represented – five performances by Belarusian directors – is another pleasant peculiarity of this year’s forum. The Mogilev Oblast Drama Theater staged a puppet play for adults Sinyaya-Sinyaya inspired by the short story written by the 20th century Belarusian classic Vladimir Korotkevich. Igor Kazakov, a laureate of the 2016 National Theater Award, who won the grand prix of the Mogilev forum by staging Hamlet in 2013. Nikolai Steshits, a laureate of the 2016 National Theater Award, starred in the new play.

Premiers, debuting actors, celebrity guests, discussions and certainly emotions of the M@rt.kontakt festival spectators are covered by the report from Mogilev…

На фота: спектакль "Выратаваць-камер юнкера Пушкіна", Санкт-Пецярбуржскі дзяржаўны тэатр "Субота"

"Месяц ў вёсцы"
"Месяц ў вёсцы"
"Месяц ў вёсцы"
Монаспектакль "Сіняя-сіняя"
Монаспектакль "Сіняя-сіняя"
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