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Belaursians celebrate Epiphany by diving into icy waters

Belaursians celebrate Epiphany by diving into icy waters
18 Jan 2018

On 18 January, after the sunset, the staff of Belarus' Emergencies Ministry traditionally took a dip in the icy waters of the Tsnyankoye water reservoir to celebrate Epiphany.

Belaursians celebrate Epiphany in the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Convent in Grodno
Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Epiphany
Belaursians celebrate Epiphany in the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Convent in Grodno
Belaursians celebrate Epiphany in the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Convent in Grodno
Belaursians celebrate Epiphany in the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Convent in Grodno
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