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Sergei Sergachev, professor, head of the residential and public architecture chair at the Belarusian National Technical University

Sergei Sergachev, professor, head of the residential and public architecture chair at the Belarusian National Technical University
10 Jan 2017

In his student days in the late 1960s, Sergei Sergachev started collecting precious materials, including photos, historical descriptions and plans, archive materials featuring the history of the Belarusian architecture. He published a book featuring many invaluable and interesting materials about “the unique architecture of the soul of our great Belarusian people who have been always striving for the best artfully combining traditions with experience and progressive knowledge.”

Father Evseny (Konstantin Tyukhlov), Abbot of St. Elisha of Lavrishevo Monastery of the Novogrudok eparchy
Lyudmila Kondrashova, Director of the National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities
Lyudmila Kondrashova, Director of the National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities
Belarusian rehabilitation center for disabled children
Belarusian rehabilitation center for disabled children
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