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| Home | News | Photo | Eminent Belarusians honored with awards For Spiritual Revival, special prizes of Belarus President

Alexander Lukashenko presents the award For Spiritual Revival to Bishop of Borisov and Maryina Gorka Veniamin

 Alexander Lukashenko presents the award For Spiritual Revival to Bishop of Borisov and Maryina Gorka Veniamin
12 Jan 2016

Bishop Veniamin

For more than 20 years Father Veniamin has served God and the Orthodox Church advocating the revival of spirituality and education, construction and renovation of churches. Thanks to his efforts, the most beautiful church of the Resurrection of Christ was renovated in the town of Borisov. The renovated church held the first Divine Liturgy Two years ago, on Christmas Eve.

 Alexander Lukashenko presents the award For Spiritual Revival to Bishop of Borisov and Maryina Gorka Veniamin
Anatoly Sharkov and Yelena Khoroshevich, the authors of the book To Live and To Remember
Rector of the Roman Catholic community Cheslav Kurechko, the winner of the award For Spiritual Revival
Rector of the Roman Catholic community Cheslav Kurechko, the winner of the award For Spiritual Revival
National Research Center Mother and Child, the winner of the award For Spiritual Revival
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