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22 May 2023

Over 554,000 visa-waiver travelers visit Belarus since program’s launch

Over 554,000 visa-waiver travelers visit Belarus since program’s launch
An archive photo

MINSK, 22 May (BelTA) – Belarus has hosted over 169,345 arrivals from the neighboring EU countries since 1 January 2023, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee of Belarus.

Since the start of the year, Belarus has welcomed 112,075 citizens of Lithuania, 32,719 citizens and 9,655 non-citizens of Latvia, and 14,896 Polish citizens.

Since the launch of the visa-waiver program, 554,331 citizens of the neighboring EU states took advantage of the program to visit Belarus, including 360,338 citizens of Lithuania, 36,534 non-citizens and 120,853 citizens of Latvia, and 36,606 Polish citizens.

More information about visa-free entry to Belarus is available on the website of the State Border Committee of Belarus and the mobile app Belarusian Border.


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