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9 Oct 2023

MP: Belarus, Latin America share commitment to a fair world order

MP: Belarus, Latin America share commitment to a fair world order
Photo courtesy of Sergei Klishevich

MINSK, 9 October (BelTA) – Member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Klishevich has met with Mônica Valente, a member of the Workers’ Party of Brazil’s President Lula da Silva. Mônica Valente is also the Executive Secretary of the São Paulo Forum that unites more than 100 political parties and movements in Latin America, 27 of which are part of the governments in this region. The meeting of Sergei Klishevich with Mônica Valente took place in Mexico City, the Belarusian parliamentarian told BelTA.

The parties discussed geopolitical transformation of the world order and participation of Latin America in these processes. They also raised the topic of the West’s barbaric policy of sanctions towards Belarus and other countries that want to follow their own path of development without experiencing external pressure. Mônica Valente is interested in establishing closer ties between Brazil’s ruling Workers’ Party and the Communist Party of Belarus.

“It is noteworthy that Latin American states are beginning to play an increasingly important role not only in social, political and economic development in the region, but also have a bigger impact on global geopolitical processes,” noted Sergei Klishevich. “Suffice it to recall the initiative of President of Brazil Lula da Silva about the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine conflict. Moreover, many initiatives of these states are based on the principles of mutual respect and fairness. Latin American states have strengthened their positions in many ways and are effectively rebuffing attempts, primarily by the United States and other Western countries, to interfere in their internal affairs. Examples go beyond the heroic Cuba to include the failed color revolutions in Venezuela and Brazil. Belarus and Latin American countries share the determination to develop on the basis of their own traditions and in the interests of their own people, as well as to build partnerships, mutually beneficial contacts with all countries of the world. This serves as a good ideological foundation to build strong, friendly relationships. By uniting around the ideas of a fair world order, together with our supporters around the world, we have the power to make the world a fairer and safer place,” the Belarusian MP said.


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