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11 Nov 2016

Lukashenko, Erdogan sign joint communique

Lukashenko, Erdogan sign joint communique

MINSK, 11 November (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a joint communique after their official talks in Minsk on 11 November. The communique formalizes their intent to expand and strengthen the bilateral ties in a number of priority areas, BelTA has learned.

The parties have plans to improve the coordination and development of cooperation in foreign policy, including to provide mutual support of candidacies in international organizations. They also intend to boost and diversify the bilateral trade and jointly look for new areas for economic cooperation to speed up the growth of the national economies and raise the living standards of Belarusian and Turkish citizens.

They showed eagerness to step up cooperation in mechanical engineering, machine tool building, agriculture, transport and logistics, woodworking, and textile industry.

Lukashenko, Erdogan sign joint communiqueThe cooperation priorities also include to strengthen industrial cooperation, ensure effective operation of joint enterprises, implement new projects in Belarus and Turkey, promote jointly produced goods to third markets, and create favorable conditions for expanding the ties between Belarusian and Turkish businessmen and bolstering the cooperation between the chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries.

The communique stresses the need to step up cooperation in science, technology and innovations and bolster ties in culture, art and education, including through the opening of centers of Belarusian and Turkish culture.

Another priority area mentioned in the communique is the development of the legal framework of the bilateral relations and interregional ties and more active involvement of honorary consuls in the implementation of regional cooperation programs.

Belarus, Turkey sign a set of documentsThe Presidents agreed to provide the necessary assistance in order to facilitate the solution of the issues related to the operation of the embassies in Ankara and Minsk and expressed the satisfaction with the agreements signed during the visit.

The Belarusian leader resolutely condemned the military coup attempt in Turkey and expressed his support for the democratically elected government. The Turkish head of state, for his part, commended Belarus’ commitment to democratic principles.

Belarus, Turkey sign a set of documentsGiven the mutual desire to further strengthen the long-term mutually advantageous and equal cooperation, the Presidents praised the rapid development of full-fledged cooperation between Belarus and Turkey and expressed mutual interest in supporting regular bilateral political dialogue at all levels, including at the highest level.

Belarus, Turkey sign a set of documentsThe joint communique took note of the new opportunities for the development of trade and economic relations in view of Belarus’ membership in the Eurasian Economic Union, and in view of Turkey’s Customs Union agreement with the European Union.

With regard to international relations, Alexander Lukashenko and Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed mutual belief that only unhindered, equable and constructive dialogue can facilitate the settlement of international disputes. The heads of state condemned all kinds of terrorism, emphasized the importance of international cooperation in combating international terrorism, transnational organized crime, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings, trafficking in drugs and weapons, and in countering the spread of all forms of extremism, discrimination and violence.

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